One of the great joys of life as a diocesan priest is that no two days are exactly the same. A priest's day is centered on prayer and the Mass, but otherwise can be filled with whatever ministries and events happen to be going on. Here is what one typical day might look like for a parish priest:
5:30 am Wake up, morning routine, breakfast
6:30 am Holy Hour - Office of Readings and Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours
8:00 am Mass - sometimes with school children
9:00 am Office work - catch up on e-mails and phone calls
10:30 am Hospital and nursing home visits
12:00 pm Lunch, Midday Prayer
1:00 pm Pastoral Staff meeting
2:00 pm Visit school classrooms, help with school dismissal
3:00 pm Office work - prepare for faith formation session, homily, meetings
4:00 pm Afternoon break - go back to rectory, have a cup of coffee, exercise
5:00 pm Evening Prayer
5:30 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Parish Committee Meeting: Pastoral Council, Finance Council, etc. or
Sacramental Preparation or
Bible Study
10:00 pm Night Prayer and Retire for the night