Home Parish:St. Gabriel, Connersville Seminary: Bishop Simon Brute Seminary
Why do you want to become a priest? I want to make sure I’m doing what God wants me to do.
Who is your favorite saint & why? St. Benedict for his fighting with the devil and saving of the Church.
If you could talk to anyone in the course of our history (dead or alive), who would it be and why? There are a lot of people I would like to but St. Paul would be a trip, there’s so much to unpack alone with talking to him.
What is your favorite past time or hobby? I like to make videos, listen to and experiment with music, draw (although I’m not great at it), and “sculpt” (if that’s the right word for it) with cardboard. Do you have a favorite bible verse? None specifically, although I am looking for one that I may call my favorite. Did anyone (priest, religious sister, friend. etc.) make an impact on your decision to enter seminary? My parish priest Father Dustin Boehm, Mr. Tim Elstro, Mr. Daniel Reichley, and of course my parents for always making it an option growing up. What is your favorite form of prayer? Rosary and Meditation What is your favorite title of the Blessed Mother and/or Jesus? The Virgin of Guadalupe Any advice for someone discerning the priesthood or religious life? It is all about discerning what God is calling you to do, and seminary is the perfect place for that! It’s ok to be unsure, rely on Jesus and ask for Mary’s intercession, discerning is something we all do.