Vocation Story Video
Why do you want to become a priest? So that I can lay down my life in service to our Lord and His people.
Who is your favorite saint & why? St. Therese of Lisieux because she teaches us that through humility anyone can become a saint.
If you could talk to anyone in the course of our history (dead or alive), who would it be and why? Fr. Fredrick Faber, he was best friends with St. John Henry Cardinal Newman and I love all of his books.
What is your favorite past time or hobby? I love making pottery on a wheel.
Did anyone (priest, religious sister, friend. etc.) make an impact on your decision to enter seminary?My pastor Fr. Jerry Byrd.
Do you have a favorite bible verse? (Job 1:21) "the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away... blessed be the name of the Lord."
What is your favorite form of prayer? I find myself turning to the rosary a lot!
What is your favorite title of the Blessed Mother and/or Jesus? Mary, Refuge of Sinners.
Any advice for someone discerning the priesthood or religious life? DO NOT BE AFRAID, it's far less scary than the devil will lead you to believe. If this is the door God has opened for you then he will provide.