Vocation Story Video
Why do you want to become a priest? I want to become a priest to follow God's will for my life
Who is your favorite saint? Thomas More. Because he held great wealth in England and was in favor with the king, but still put God first.
If you could talk to anyone in the course of our history (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
Jesus or the Apostles. To grow in an understanding of the teachings of Christ and the early Church.
What is your favorite past time or hobby? Woodworking, baking, and board games
Do you have a favorite Bible verse? Psalm 23
Did anyone (priest, religious sister, friend. etc.) make an impact on your decision to enter seminary? My pastor! Never underestimate the inspirational capabilities of those closest to you!
What is your favorite form of prayer? Rosary/Eucharistic Adoration
What is your favorite title of the Blessed Mother and/or Jesus? Seat of Wisdom
Any advice for someone discerning the priesthood or religious life? Pray the Rosary