Why do you want to become a priest? To serve a parish and Army Soldiers
Who is your favorite saint? St. Barbara. She is the patron saint of artillerymen.
If you could talk to anyone in the course of our history (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
I would talk to William Sianis and ask why he cursed the Chicago Cubs
What is your favorite past time or hobby? Chess, golf, fishing, and any sport you can play outside
Do you have a favorite Bible verse? Corinthians 4:13 or John 10 "Good Shepard" Sermon
Did anyone (priest, religious sister, friend. etc.) make an impact on your decision to enter seminary?
College Chaplain: Father Matthew Pawlikowski
What is your favorite form of prayer? Eucharistic Adoration
What is your favorite title of the Blessed Mother and/or Jesus? Simply, Blessed Mother and Jesus.
Any advice for someone discerning the priesthood or religious life? Pray as hard as you work when you max out on bench press.